Table of Contents:
Before reading this Guide
Contact your PBX provider
Installation steps from Appexchange
a) Step One – Installation with Salesforce AppexchangeTranslations
Sharing Settings
It allows for receiving incoming calls and making outbound calls within Salesforce. Additionally, all conversations made through this application are recorded as activities and associated with a specific contact or account.
The solution is based on the Salesforce ecosystem. Therefore, for any difficulties related to basic functionalities, assistance can be found on (tutorials and instructions) or (technical documentation).
For the efficient operation of our application, we have access to a server that supports SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) via WebSockets. This is a key requirement because our application uses the power and flexibility of SIP combined with the real-time capabilities of WebSockets to facilitate seamless communication.
Feel free to ask us for details. If you are already using PBX services – just ask your provider for the Websocket Address, Login and Password for your account. If you are interested in learning about other options – we will be happy to point you to one of our partners. With our help and the whole process of gaining access can take up to 1 business day.
Examples of websocket addresses:
After finding the Quakker application on AppExchange, read the description and familiarize yourself with the pricing policy and solution requirements. If your instance allows installing the application, press the green „Get It Now” button in the top right corner.
After clicking the button, you will need to log in to your account.
Notice! It is not possible to install the application without a account.
Log in to your account. Then, the installation wizard will ask the question, „Where do you want to install this package?”
You must choose Production org or Sandbox (we recommend installing it first on a copy of your production to check for possible conflicts), but remember – the org for installation must be connected to your account (How to do it?).
Read and confirm the installation details (only if you agree with all the provided information, read it carefully). Press „Install.” You will be redirected to the Salesforce login page (Sandbox or Production, which can be checked by looking at the website’s URL).
Finally, you will be redirected to the installation details page. We recommend installing the application only for administrators (Install for Admins only) so that permissions and privileges can be assigned to the appropriate people later.
If you don’t know if your org fulfills the requirements or you have other problems, please see the Quokka Recruitment User Manual.
In your Salesforce environment, add the trusted URL received from the provider (Go to “Contact your PBX provider or choose one of our partners.”). To do this, go to Setup -> Security -> Trusted URLs. Choose New Trusted URL and add the URL received from the provider. (the address should start with wss://, select 'All’ for 'CSP Context’ and complete the 'connect-src (scripts)’ checkbox in 'CSP Directives’.
Next, you should check whether the Lightning Web Security option is selected in Session Settings. Navigate to Setup, then go to the Security section and choose Session Settings. Verify if the checkbox next to Lightning Web Security is selected and if it’s not, mark it.
Follow the instructions below to assign Quakker solution licenses to the appropriate merchants:
1. Setup -> Installed Packages.
2. License Management (with UCTC package).
3. Assigning Users.
1 Go to. Setup -> Call Centers -> Import
2. Choose file „definitionfile.xml”*(link below) and click Import
3. Assign users who will use Quakker App to “Quakker Call Center” via button “Manage Call Center Users” or on each user’s record, you can do it manually by changing the „Call Center” field
After downloading App from Appexchange – In the next step, it is necessary to assign the Quakker Permission set to users who will use the application. To do this, go to Setup and search for Permission sets.
From the permission list, select Quakker Permission. From the top menu, choose Manage Assignments.
In the last step, assign users who will operate the Quakker application and click Add Assignment.
If you do not have permissions to any of these objects or fields then create a permission set in which you grant them.
Object | Read | Create | Edit | Delete | Write | View All | Modify All |
Account | X | X | X | X | X | ||
Contact | X | X | X | X | X | ||
Lead | X | X | X | X | X | ||
Campaign | X | X | X | X | X | ||
Campaign Member | X | X | X | X | X | ||
User | X | X |
Object | Field Name | Field API Name | Read | Edit |
Account | Phone | Phone | X | X |
Type | Type | X | X | |
Contact | Phone | Phone | X | X |
Mobile | MobilePhone | X | X | |
Title | Title | X | ||
Campaign Member | Phone | Phone | X | X |
Lead | LeadId | X | X | |
Type | Type | X | X | |
Status | Status | X | X | |
Contact | ContactId | X | X | |
Lead | Phone | Phone | X | X |
Mobile | MobilePhone | X | X | |
Company | Company | X | X | |
Tasks | Related To | WhatId | X | X |
Name | WhoId | X | X | |
Type | Type | X | X | |
Due Date | ActivityDate | X | X | |
Comments | Description | X | X | |
Subject | Subject | X | X | |
Assigned To | OwnerId | X | X | |
Task Subtype | TaskSubtype | X | X | |
Status | Status | X | X | |
Call Duration | CallDurationInSeconds | X | X |
The next step is to add the application to the utility bar. To do this, go to Setup and navigate to App manager, select the application you want to assign calling capability to, click the arrow, and edit.
In the application settings, add the Quakker application to the utility bar. Click Add utility item and choose Quakker from the list of Custom Items. On the right side in the Properties tab, set the panel width to 1px and panel height to 1px.
Add custom fields to the Activity object layout. To do this, go to Setup -> Object manager -> Task -> Page layouts and add the following fields (API names):
External call ID
Start Date time
End Date time
Due Date time
Call Duration in Seconds
Call Result
Use logins you received from your PBX provider (go to “Contact your PBX provider” step).
If you don’t have a reference (lookup) set to the Campaign object on the Task object, you should add it by following the steps below:
Go to Setup.
Select “Object Manager.”
Find and select the “Activity” object.
Click “Fields & Relationships.”
Click the “New” button to create a new field.
Select the “Lookup Relationship” field type and associate it with the “Campaign” object.
To make the lookup field visible, you can now add it to the layout of the Task (Step 5. Add reference field to Page Layouts).
In this way, you will create and share a reference to the Campaign object on the Task object, allowing you to use the campaign calling functionality through Quakker.
If you need a relationship between a call record, which is an Activity(Task) object, and any object in Salesforce that is not accessible via the standard WhatId field (objects listed below) on the Activity object, you need to take the following steps:
Repeat Steps: Repeat the steps described in the previous section , to create a relationship between the Task and the selected object.
Application Settings: In the Quakker app settings, select which objects you want to see in the custom lookup during the call.
Personal Settings: These are individual settings, but it is possible to save global settings by a user with permission set “Quakker Admin Permissions”.
Global Settings: If you do not have your own user settings, global settings will be applied.
In this way, you will configure custom lookup to selected objects according to personal or global preferences.
With the above steps, you can successfully create custom relationships between the Activity(Task) object, representing a conversation, and any other objects in Salesforce.
Relationship settings in Salesforce allow you to create and manage associations between different objects and task or conversation records. This enables you to link a specific object to a task or conversation, for example, indicating that the conversation was related to a particular invoice, item, case, or another object.
By default, Salesforce provides the What ID field, which allows conversations and tasks to be linked to supported standard objects such as Accounts, Opportunities, or Cases. However, it is also possible to create custom relationships with any objects. To do this, an administrator can configure additional fields or relationships in the settings. Once configured, all relationships selected in the settings will appear on the conversation screen as a custom lookup field, enabling easy linking with the selected object. This allows the system to be tailored to specific business needs and manage relationships at a more detailed level.
Objects of standard relationship WhatId: Account, Accreditation, AssessmentIndicatorDefinition, AssessmentTask, AssessmentTaskContentDocument, AssessmentTaskDefinition, AssessmentTaskOrder, Asset, AssetRelationship, AssignedResource, Award, BoardCertification, BusinessLicense, BusinessMilestone, BusinessProfile, Campaign, CareBarrier, CareBarrierDeterminant, CareBarrierType, CareDeterminant, CareDeterminantType, CareDiagnosis, CareInterventionType, CareMetricTarget, CareObservation, CareObservationComponent, CarePgmProvHealthcareProvider, CarePreauth, CarePreauthItem, CareProgram, CareProgramCampaign, CareProgramEligibilityRule, CareProgramEnrollee, CareProgramEnrolleeProduct, CareProgramEnrollmentCard, CareProgramGoal, CareProgramProduct, CareProgramProvider, CareProgramTeamMember, CareProviderAdverseAction, CareProviderFacilitySpecialty, CareProviderSearchableField, CareRegisteredDevice, CareRequest, CareRequestDrug, CareRequestExtension, CareRequestItem, CareSpecialty, CareSpecialtyTaxonomy, CareTaxonomy, Case, CommSubscriptionConsent, ContactEncounter, ContactEncounterParticipant, ContactRequest, Contract, CoverageBenefit, CoverageBenefitItem, CreditMemo, DelegatedAccount, DocumentChecklistItem, EnrollmentEligibilityCriteria, HealthcareFacility, HealthcareFacilityNetwork, HealthcarePayerNetwork, HealthcarePractitionerFacility, HealthcareProvider, HealthcareProviderNpi, HealthcareProviderSpecialty, HealthcareProviderTaxonomy, IdentityDocument, Image, IndividualApplication, Invoice, ListEmail, Location, MemberPlan, Opportunity, Order, OtherComponentTask, PartyConsent, PersonLifeEvent, PlanBenefit, PlanBenefitItem, ProcessException, Product2, ProductItem, ProductRequest, ProductRequestLineItem, ProductTransfer, PurchaserPlan, ReceivedDocument, ResourceAbsence, ReturnOrder, ReturnOrderLineItem, ServiceAppointment, ServiceResource, Shift, Shipment, ShipmentItem, Solution, Visit, VisitedParty, VolunteerProject, WorkOrder, WorkOrderLineItem
If you have the permission set “Quakker Admin Permissions” assigned, you should initially configure values for the Call Result picklist in your Quakker Application. This field, available on the Activity (Task) object, is responsible for displaying the call result.
By default your Quakker settings contain the following options:
Scheduled Call
Not Interested
Call Later
Call After Working Hours
In the Quakker app settings, under 'Call Result Settings’, you can add new values or delete existing ones. The selection here should reflect the status when calling the campaign. The border displayed in the campaign preview will reflect the result of a call to a person in that campaign.
In addition, it is worth remembering:
Call After Working Hours: Moves the person to the end of the calling list.
Call Later: Also moves the person to the end of the calling list, but no further than people with Call After Working Hours status.
Properly setting and managing 'Call Result’ values helps you better track the progress of your campaign and effectively plan your calling activities.
Salesforce allows translations of custom fields. To enable this, the administrator should first activate the translation option in the target environment. To do this, in the settings, go to the Translation workbench tab, enable the translation option, and select the desired language.
After configuring this, in the Translate tab, you can translate most parts of the system, including fields, layouts, picklist values, etc. Link to documentation: Manage your translations.
Additionally, Salesforce provides the ability to translate custom labels, allowing you to translate information presented in the Quakker application into any language. To do these translations, go to the Custom labels tab in settings and choose the component you want to translate by clicking edit. Link to documentation: Custom labels.
Set 'Sharing Settings’ on the org for the 'Quick Campaign’ object according to your preference, but it is best to map what is set on the Campaign object.
Go to settings (Setup).
Select “Sharing Settings.”
Click the “Edit” button, for 'Organization-Wide Defaults’.
For the 'Quick Campaign’ object, set the same 'Default Internal Access’ as for 'Campaign’ ( if we have Full Access on 'Campaign’, then there should be Full Access on 'Quick Campaign’ as well)
Click the 'Save’ button.
If there are any sharing rules set on your org for Campaign set the same for Quick Campaign.
Contact us:
+48 601 999 237
+48 22 230 25 97